Alzheimer’s Care – Why Seniors Need Regular Cognitive Screenings

Alzheimer's CareDon’t wait until your senior parent is showing signs of cognitive decline to suggest that they get a cognitive screening. There are many benefits to seniors getting routine cognitive screenings.

All seniors should be getting regular cognitive screenings as part of their basic health care. The risk of a senior developing Alzheimer’s or dementia increases every year. Being older than 65 is the primary risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s. Some of the reasons why all seniors should be getting regular cognitive screenings include:

Early Detection of Alzheimer’s

Early detection of Alzheimer’s means that seniors who have it can start treatment earlier. And the earlier treatment begins the longer seniors will be able to hang onto their cognitive function.

Cognitive screenings are designed to identify subtle changes in cognitive function that may indicate the early stages of cognitive impairment, such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. Once seniors have a diagnosis they can immediately start taking action to slow down the process of cognitive decline.

Alzheimer’s care, or specialty care designed to meet the needs of seniors with Alzheimer’s, can be a big help for seniors with Alzheimer’s and their families. It’s recommended that seniors get Alzheimer’s care as soon as they are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Starting Alzheimer’s care soon after diagnosis gives seniors and their families the kind of specialized support they need.

Accurate Diagnosis Of Dementia

Cognitive screenings provide valuable information for healthcare professionals to make accurate diagnoses. A proper diagnosis is essential for determining the appropriate course of action and developing a personalized care plan tailored to the individual’s needs.

Providing A Baseline To Track Cognitive Decline

Regular cognitive screenings establish a baseline assessment of an individual’s cognitive function. This baseline serves as a point of reference for tracking changes over time. Comparing subsequent screenings to the baseline helps healthcare professionals monitor the progression of cognitive decline and adjust interventions accordingly.

Planning for the Future

Cognitive screenings enable seniors and their families to plan for the future. If cognitive impairment is detected, families can make informed decisions about caregiving, living arrangements, legal matters, and financial planning. This proactive approach reduces the stress and uncertainty that often accompanies cognitive decline.

Finding Alternative Reasons For Cognitive Impairment

Some cognitive impairments are caused by factors that are reversible, such as medication interactions, nutritional deficiencies, or thyroid issues. Cognitive screenings can help identify these underlying causes, allowing healthcare professionals to address them and potentially restore cognitive function.

Individualized Alzheimer’s Care Planning

Cognitive screenings provide insights into a senior’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This information guides healthcare professionals in developing individualized care plans that cater to the specific cognitive challenges each individual faces. Tailored interventions lead to more effective outcomes.

Improving Quality of Life

By detecting cognitive impairments early and implementing appropriate interventions, cognitive screenings contribute to maintaining a higher quality of life for seniors. Seniors who receive timely care and support are better equipped to continue engaging in activities they enjoy and maintaining their independence.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Alzheimer’s care in Upper Darby, PA please contact the caring staff at True Direct Home Health Care today at (215) 309-3119

Perry C. Doc Alleva, Owner & Administrator
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