It’s Not Easy Supporting a Loved One Who Refuses to Follow Doctor’s Orders

Most of us want to be there for our loved ones, especially when they’re having difficult times in life. Parents are supportive of their adult children as they struggle to find their way in life. Adult children are supportive of their grandparents and parents as they get older and face mounting challenges as the natural process of aging.

Homecare Havertown PA - It’s Not Easy Supporting a Loved One Who Refuses to Follow Doctor’s Orders

Homecare Havertown PA – It’s Not Easy Supporting a Loved One Who Refuses to Follow Doctor’s Orders

When a loved one has been hospitalized, they probably received certain instructions from their doctor or advice from the hospital about the types of activities, exercises, prescription medications, and support they should consider. When that elderly loved one is not adhering to the advice of their doctor, is not listening to what he or she told them, and is not doing what they say, it can certainly be frustrating.

It can potentially lead to a readmission.

A hospital readmission will occur if somebody needs to be readmitted within 30 days of their discharge. When that happens, it could be due to any number of factors, but more often than not it has to do with the individual not doing what they should be doing to help their body recover from whatever emergency, surgery, or injury they sustained.

It will certainly slow recovery.

When a person is not following doctor’s orders, their recovery is not going to go as smoothly as they may prefer or expect. When recovery is slowed down, it actually increases the risk of other issues arising, including illnesses, injuries, and more.

They should be encouraged to consider homecare support.

While you may be doing the best you can for that elderly loved one, if they are not listening to you it can cause tension in the relationship. That elderly parent or grandparent may be unwilling to listen to what you have to say. To them, you are their child or grandchild. The relationship is suddenly being forced to change, at least within their own mind and perspective.

An experienced professional homecare aide may be the better solution because that senior might be more willing to listen to somebody who has experience and who is not related to them.

The more experience a homecare aide has, the more likely they can help the senior focus on the future.

Most family members have a tendency to focus on keeping their loved one safe. They may discourage certain activities and even exercises they see as being strenuous. An experienced aide will help the senior stay focused on their future and that can keep them more focused on what the doctor had prescribed initially.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Homecare Services in Havertown PA, please contact the caring staff at True Direct Home Health Care today.

Perry C. Doc Alleva, Owner & Administrator
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