6 Ways Elderly Adults can Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Elderly Care Media PA

Elderly Care Media PAOne of the biggest concerns for many elders is the fear of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Along with the memory loss that accompanies this disease, the elderly are also at risk of developing behavioral problems that cause them to have sudden outbursts of aggression and anger.

Alzheimer’s disease is a serious condition that can completely change how your elderly loved one interacts and communicates with others. Although there is no way to completely prevent this disease from developing, the following tips will greatly reduce your loved one’s risk.

Exercise regularly. Getting approximately 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise each week is a great way to prevent Alzheimer’s wdisease from developing. Encourage the elder to incorporate a combination of cardio and strength training, balance, and yoga moves for the most effective workout.

Socialize more. Being social will keep the brain engaged and constantly working, helping it improve and become stronger. Talking to friends and family members, volunteering, joining a group class, and using social media are all ideas to get your elderly loved one social.

Eat a healthy diet. If your loved one is not eating healthy foods, their brain cells could become inflamed and the injure neurons and inhibit may have problems communicating with the brain. Reduce the amount of sugar they consume, while eating plenty of fruits and vegetables in order to stay healthy and possibly Alzheimer’s-free.

Stimulate the mind. The more active the elder keeps their mind, the more youthful it will be. This can be done by learning a new skill or language, practice memorizing a passage from a book or a name, play games and puzzles, or try writing with the less-dominant hand.

Get plenty of sleep. Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to insomnia and other sleep problems. Help the elder establish a regular sleep schedule as a way to help them rest more soundly at night. If the elder is suffering from insomnia, eliminate naps altogether, as this will only make their sleep issues more problematic.

Lower stress levels. Another possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease is excessive amounts of stress. Practice deep breathing techniques, meditate or pray regularly, and learn to laugh at yourself in order to heighten your feelings of stress.

If Alzheimer’s disease is something you fear your elderly loved one is at high risk for developing, try these tips. Talk to the elder’s doctor for more ideas on how to prevent this disease from occurring.

Source:  https://www.helpguide.org/articles/alzheimers-dementia/alzheimers-and-dementia-prevention.htm

If you or an aging loved one are considering Elderly Care Services in Media PA, please contact the caring staff at True Direct Home Health Care today.

Perry C. Doc Alleva, Owner & Administrator
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